Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт


Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт

Что нужно сделать для того, чтоб начать заниматься спортом? Просто начать заниматься! Что нужно сделать, чтоб начать заниматься эффективно? Приехать на бесплатную тренировку в «VICTORY Спорт»!

В фитнес-центре «VICTORY Спорт» вас ждут:

-Тренажерный зал – для силовых тренировок.

-Кроссфит – для тех, кому нужна выносливость.

-Татами – для поклонников единоборств и самообороны.

-Зал игровых видов спорта – для командных игр.

-Волейбольные площадки с песком – для пляжного волейбола.

-Просторные залы, высота потолков 8 м.

-Современное спортивное оборудование.

-Система вентиляции и кондиционирования, создаст комфорт во время занятий.

-Занятия с профессиональным тренером помогут быстрее достигнуть результата.

-Фитнес-центр работает круглосуточно.

-Парковка, большая и бесплатная, всегда есть свободные места.

-Выгодные условия рассрочки на годовые клубные карты нашего фитнес-центра. В стоимость клубных карт входит свободное посещение тренажерного зала, а также любых групповых программ.

Фитнес-центр «VICTORY Спорт» расположен в тихом, экологически чистом районе Екатеринбурга. Удобное расположение и большой ассортимент услуг делает «VICTORY Спорт» прекрасным местом для активного отдыха и тренировок на Уралмаше.

Сообщите, что нашли номер на Зуне — компании работают лучше, если знают, что вы можете повлиять на их рейтинг Дозвонились?

Екатеринбург, Республиканская, 1а , 1 этаж
На машине, пешком или на общественном транспорте… — показать как добраться
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63 фотографии спортивного комплекса Victory спорт

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Акции спортивного комплекса Victory спорт

Дневной Фитнес за 7900 на год
Акция «Счастливые часы»
Постоянная акция
Поздний фитнес за 6000 в год
Специальная акция
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Цены спортивного комплекса Victory спорт

по популярности
Набор в группы художественной гимнастики
Главная / Новости / Набор девочек с 4х до 11 лет в группы по художественной гимнастике! .
Акции и Спецпредложения
Летний детский клуб для детей от 7 до 13 лет при «AVS Отеле» при «VictoryСпорт»

Приглашаем детей от 7 до 13 лет в летний, детский клуб полного дня при «AVS Отеле»! Дорогие родители.

Два месяца по цене одного месяца с 22.04 по 10.05.23

Два месяца по цене одного — акция с 22.04 по 10.05.23. Готовиться к лету с VictoryСпорт — выгодно! Приобретайте.

Цены, приведённые на сайте, не окончательные, не являются публичной офертой и носят информационный характер. Администрация оставляет за собой право изменять цены.
Вы можете уточнить стоимость по телефону.

Другие фитнес клубы, которые мы рекомендуем

Менделеева, 18
Свердловская область, Среднеуральск, Строителей, 6а

Отзывы о спортивном комплексе Victory спорт

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Сортировать: по дате по оценке по популярности С фото
Денис 30 января 2020 в 15:33

Одно из самых главных: очень просторный, высокий потолок!! Отзывчивый персонал, знают своё дело! Огромный + расположение в лесопарковой зоне!

Официальный комментарий заведения 6 февраля 2020 в 7:44
Денис, благодарим за отличную оценку!
Елена 30 января 2020 в 14:36 , отредактирован 31 января 2020 в 5:28

Обожаю «свой» спортивный клуб
Очень большой и просторный
Хожу 2 года
Особый кайф — расположение возле леса
Всегда можно устроить прогулку после трени на свежем воздухе

Официальный комментарий заведения 6 февраля 2020 в 7:44
Елена, благодарим за теплые слова, всегда рады вас видеть!

Официальная группа Вконтакте спортивного комплекса Victory спорт

Фитнес клуб Victory Sport | Екатеринбург Уралмаш 3 августа в 14:05

Наша замечательная Ольга Шарафутдинова совсем недавно праздновала День рождения!
А Вы знали, что Оля:
> Мастер спорта международного класса по пауэрлифтингу;
> Действующий спортсмен по пауэрлифтингу; > ЭЛИТА по жиму штанги лежа; > Рекордсменка России по НАП Жим штанги лежа; > Рекордсменка России НАП по пауэрлифтингу.
С Ольгой Вы точно сможете достичь своих фитнес-целей качественно, безопасно и с пользой для своего здоровья.
Ну, а мы желаем Оле оставаться такой же обаятельной и жизнерадостной. Пусть все поставленные цели будут достигнуты, а ме … — Читать дальше

чты сбудутся!
Записаться на тренировку к Ольге Шарафутдиновой можно по тел:, Тренировки проходят в фитнес-центре «VictoryСпорт» на ул.Республиканской, 1А (Уралмаш).

Фитнес клуб Victory Sport | Екатеринбург Уралмаш 1 августа в 11:25

Порадуйте себя полезным и выгодным подарком и начните новый год своей жизни с заботой о красоте и здоровье!
ГОДОВАЯ КЛУБНАЯ КАРТА в фитнес-центр «VictoryСпорт» со скидкой 20% для всех именинников.
Спецпредложение действует для всех именинников в День рождения, а также 3 дня до и 3 дня после этого замечательного события.
В течение 12 месяцев у Вас будет возможность: > безлимитно и круглосуточно заниматься в большом, современном, тренажерном зале; > посещать танцы, йогу, стретчинг, силовые тренировки и другие групповые … — Читать дальше

направления по расписанию; > посещать финскую сауну с 8.30 до 22.30.
Также для всех клиентов фитнес-центра «VictoryСпорт»: > просторная, бесплатная, охраняемая парковка; > бесплатный wi-fi; > вода в кулерах; > скидка 20% на выпечку, десерты и салаты после 18.00.
Звоните:,; Оставляйте заявки на сайте:

Фитнес клуб Victory Sport | Екатеринбург Уралмаш 31 июля в 7:39

А вы уже успели приобрести клубную карту?
Сегодня последний день нашего горячего предложения
Успейте сделать огромный шаг к здоровой и счастливой жизни,а мы в вам в этом поможем


Похожие фитнес клубы

улица 8 Марта, 27
Закроется через 9 ч. 41 мин.
Драйв Фитнес
Закроется через 11 ч. 41 мин.
Kosmo fitnes
проспект Космонавтов, 50
Закроется через 10 ч. 41 мин.
Ultra family fitness
проспект Космонавтов, 29г
Закроется через 11 ч. 41 мин.
Похожие фитнес клубы с высоким рейтингом:
Фитнес-студия Fit-n-go
8.2 км • улица 8 Марта, 27
Открыто до 21:00
Фитнес-клуб Драйв Фитнес
2.5 км • Ильича, 47
Открыто до 23:00
Фитнес-клуб Kosmo fitnes
3.3 км • проспект Космонавтов, 50
Открыто до 22:00
Фитнес-клуб Ultra family fitness
2.9 км • проспект Космонавтов, 29г
Открыто до 23:00
Интересная история

Спортивный комплекс «VICTORY Спорт» – это широчайший спектр возможностей для занятий спортом. Здесь, на территории площадью 1700 м2, расположился тренажерный зал, зал групповых программ, зал игровых видов спорта со специальным паркетом, площадки для проведения занятий на открытом воздухе. В клубе вас ждет профессиональный тренерский состав, просторные, хорошо оснащенные залы для занятий, большой выбор программ для детей и взрослых. Спортивный комплекс входит в состав гостинично-развлекательного комплекса «AVS Отель», расположенном в чистом и тихом районе города, добраться в который не составит труда как на автомобиле, так и на общественном транспорте. Кроме того, открыта зона кроссфит.

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Часто задаваемые вопросы о Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт

  • Каков физический адрес Спортивного комплекса Victory спорт? Адрес заведения: Россия, Екатеринбург, Республиканская, 1а.
  • Доступен ли номер телефона Спортивного комплекса Victory спорт? Организация принимает звонки по номеру телефона +7 (343) 317-90-60.
  • В каком режиме работает Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт? Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт ведёт работу круглосуточно.
  • Как посетители сайта Zoon.ru оценивают Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт? Средняя оценка компании на сайте Zoon.ru – 4. Вы можете посетить страницу отзывов о Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт , чтобы написать свои впечатления!
  • Как можно узнать услуги и цены в этой организации? Это можно сделать на карточке заведения в разделе, где перечислены услуги и цены Спортивного комплекса Victory спорт.
  • В Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт доступно пробное занятие? Да, в Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт можно прийти разово, чтобы оценить возможности зала, работу персонала и понять, стоит ли в дальнейшем приобрести абонемент.
  • Можно ли в Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт тренироваться по индивидуальной программе? Здесь можно посещать занятия с инструктором, который подберёт программу именно под особенности вашего тела.
  • Можно ли привести детей на занятия в Спортивный комплекс Victory спорт? Ребятишкам здесь всегда рады — их физподготовку возьмут в свои руки детские тренеры.
  • Какие разновидности занятий доступны в Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт? Аэробика, функциональный тренинг, зумба, йога, кардиотренировки, стретчинг, кроссфит, занятия на фитболе — это часть доступных здесь программ. С более детальным их списком можно ознакомиться у администратора.
  • В Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт есть специалист, который сможет дать консультацию по вопросам правильного питания? Здесь вы можете получить консультацию насчёт питания и составить отвечающую запросам диету.
  • Какие дополнительные опции есть в Спортивном комплексе Victory спорт? Чтобы гостям было комфортно, здесь разместились ресторан, массажный кабинет, финская сауна, кабинет SPA-терапии, а также солярий.
  • Насколько точна информация, размещённая на странице Спортивного комплекса Victory спорт на Zoon.ru? Zoon.ru старается размещать максимально точные и свежие данные о заведениях. Если вы видите неточность и/или являетесь представителем данного заведения, то можете воспользоваться формой обратной связи.

Victory Group

USN – Ultimate Sport Nutrition is a comprehensive healthy lifestyle nutrition supplement brand. Our products are divided into the following categories:

You can buy online on the allsport page

Lose weight
& Tone

Our products deliver incredible results and so so, fast. An all encompassing range of sports supplements that range from Muscle Building and Strength Gain through to weight loss and improved endurance. USN’s Sports Supplements range has a complete selection, meaning that there is sure to be the right product no matter who you are or what your goals are!

Diet Whey Isolean

Diet Whey IsoLean is an ultra-low carbohydrate, protein shake designed to increase lean muscle mass and help increase your metabolic rate. Diet Whey IsoLean is high in fibre to keep you fuller for longer and promote a better digestive system.

Diet Fuel Ultralean

Diet Fuel Ultralean is a low-GI, high protein shake with added Garcinia Cambogia and Chromium to accelerate fat burning, maintain lean muscle mass and keep you fuller for longer.

Phedracut Lipo XT

PhedraCut Lipo XT is an advanced, multi-action thermogenic weight loss aid formulated with scientifically-researched patented ingredients that are designed to boost energy, assist with fat burning, metabolism rate and help reduce cravings.

USN’s CLA Pure 1000 is a stimulant-free, highly bioavailable, pure form of conjugated linoleic acid, rich in safflower oils, to help tone and firm up your body.

Stimulant-Free Weight Loss Aid
L-Carnicut is a stimulant-free powerful source of L-Carnitine and other ingredients that may assist the conversion of fat into energy.


Our most advanced fat burner yet! The all-new PhedraCut Lipo X is a revolutionary thermogenic weight loss aid, scientifically developed with patented ingredients, trialed

USN’s 7-Day Detox is great to take before starting a weight loss plan or after eating indulgent foods to support the liver and get you back on track.

Get Lean
& Fit

The USN Core Muscle range is extensive and contains ingredients that support lean muscle conditioning, ideal for professional athletes, recreational sportspeople and those serious about achieving a lean-muscle look.

Bluelab 100% whey premium protein -2kg

Bluelab first of its kind-consumer-tested and feedback-driven product formulation.Contains premium ingredients,sourced from top international suppliers.Regular independent product testing,SANAS-accredited labs.100% Whey premium protein-more protein per gram,no amino acis spiking.Low carbohydrates and sugar.

Bluelab 100% whey premium protein -980g

Bluelab first of its kind-consumer-tested and feedback-driven product formulation.Contains premium ingredients,sourced from top international suppliers.Regular independent product testing,SANAS-accredited labs.100% Whey premium protein-more protein per gram,no amino acis spiking.Low carbohydrates and sugar.

Bluelab 100% whey premium protein -454g

Bluelab first of its kind-consumer-tested and feedback-driven product formulation.Contains premium ingredients,sourced from top international suppliers.Regular independent product testing,SANAS-accredited labs.100% Whey premium protein-more protein per gram,no amino acis spiking.Low carbohydrates and sugar.

Fast Grow Amino

USN’s Fast Grow Amino’s is a powerful source of amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins to build muscle, repair tissue and promote recovery. Fast Grow Amino’s are formulated to enhance performance and endurance and can be used daily.

USN’s Pure BCAA is a high quality source of highly bioavailable amino acids in the ratio 2:1:1 (leucine:valine:isoleucine). This ratio has been found as the most effective and best absorbed ratio. Pure BCAA is formulated to aid in optimal exercise performance, better endurance and reduced fatigue as well as recovery.


ISO ZERO is an ultra-premium quality whey isolate with a very low carbohydrate and fat content. Whey isolate is absorbed readily by the body for quicker muscle repair and recovery, promoting lean muscle gains.

USN’s ZMA+ is a potent source of ZMA®, a specific ratio of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6, designed to enhance muscle recovery, endurance and strength. The addition of β-Alanine to the formulation is done to aid in muscle recovery and optimized performance during anaerobic and resistance training.

BCAA Amino+ is a premium quality amino acid supplement with a highly effective amino acid ratio of 2:1:1 to use pre- and intra-workout for optimal energy, endurance and recovery. BCAA Amino+ is free from stimulants.

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Creatine Mono 100g and 100g USN combo

USN’s Pure Creatine is a micronized form of creatine, enhancing the absorption and bioavailability. Pure Creatine is designed to support protein synthesis which aids muscle gains, enhance recovery and improve physical performance. Micronized creatine is absorbed faster and better than other compounds of creatine.

Creatine Transport is an advanced creatine delivery and glycogen reload system, designed to optimise performance and increase strength and endurance. It consists of a NiTROCOR™ Creatine Amino Esther stack for a multi-purpose effect on muscle preservation, muscle gains and enhanced strength and performance.

Pure Glutamine 150g and 150g USN combo

USN’s Pure Glutamine contains premium quality L-Glutamine, a naturally-occuring amino acid which is mostly stored in skeletal muscle. L-Glutamine is broken down quickly during exercise. Supplementation with Pure Glutamine has been found to facilitate protein synthesis, increase muscle cell volume and aid in strength and recovery.

Pro Protein Bar -68g

A high protein bar containing vitamins and minerals. It is designed for active people who demand the benefits of protein for muscle maintenance and/or recovery. USN’s Pro Protein Bar is an ideal snack replacement for those on the go.

Pro Protein Bar -40g

A high protein bar containing vitamins and minerals. It is designed for active people who demand the benefits of protein for muscle maintenance and/or recovery. USN’s Pro Protein Bar is an ideal snack replacement for those on the go.


USN’s Muscle Fuel STS is a 4-stage glycomatrix carb system with a 5-stage sustained transport systems (STS) and an optimum muscle supporting amino acid base. It’s easy to mix and conveniently quick to prepare.


BlueLab 100% Plant Protein is a vegan-friendly high protein formulation made with Smooth Protein™ and Clean Cream™. It contains 20 g of protein and 4 g BCAA from pumpkin & watermelon seed protein and pea protein concentrate to enhance lean muscle recovery. It is free from sugar, dairy, gluten, soya and artificial flavourants & colourants

Super Multi-V is an all-in-one premium multivitamin and mineral complex, scientifically formulated to enhance energy levels, immunity and vitality. The formulation of Super Multi-V contains more than 25 active ingredients, including vitamins, minerals and natural ingredients for convenient and effective daily supplementation.

Sugar free energy drink with 1000mg L-Carnitine

USN’s Trust Bar is a low sugar, low impact carbohydrate, high protein bar and with 0g of unhealthy trans fats. A guilt-free indulgence bar made in the USA!

Pro Protein Bar

A high protein bar containing vitamins and minerals. It is designed for active people who demand the benefits of protein for muscle maintenance and/or recovery. USN’s Pro Protein Bar is an ideal snack replacement for those on the go.

Get Extreme

The most complete range of scientifically engineered products that deliver serious gains in muscle size and strength, aimed at bodybuilders and explosive sport athletes.

Hyperbolic Mass -5kg

Hyperbolic Mass is an all-in-one mass gainer, designed for individuals with a fast metabolism. It contains an advanced amino acid formulation including the addition of Glutamine to aid in muscle repair, recovery and gains. Hyperbolic Mass is high in protein and contains a 5-stage Glyco-Matrix Carb System to drive protein into glycogen stores. β-Alanine is included in the formulation to boost performance and power.

Hyperbolic Mass -4kg

Hyperbolic Mass is an all-in-one mass gainer, designed for individuals with a fast metabolism. It contains an advanced amino acid formulation including the addition of Glutamine to aid in muscle repair, recovery and gains. Hyperbolic Mass is high in protein and contains a 5-stage Glyco-Matrix Carb System to drive protein into glycogen stores. β-Alanine is included in the formulation to boost performance and power.

Hyperbolic Mass -1kg

Hyperbolic Mass is an all-in-one mass gainer, designed for individuals with a fast metabolism. It contains an advanced amino acid formulation including the addition of Glutamine to aid in muscle repair, recovery and gains. Hyperbolic Mass is high in protein and contains a 5-stage Glyco-Matrix Carb System to drive protein into glycogen stores. β-Alanine is included in the formulation to boost performance and power.

BCAA Amino-Gro is an advanced formulation of BCAA’s in the ratio 2:1:1 for optimal endurance, energy and recovery to optimise your workout. The addition of electrolytes to BCAA Amino-Gro assists in replenishment of your body’s natural electrolytes for performance and recovery. Added Glutamine, Citrulline Malate and β-Alanine aids in muscle recovery, strength, endurance and an increased exercise threshold.

Creatine HCL is formulated with Creatine Hydrochloride, the most effectively absorbed form of creatine. Creatine HCL has been found to increase performance during high-intensity, short bursts of exercise, as well as increasing muscle mass and improving recovery. USN’s Creatine HCL has enhanced bioavailability through our unique formulation, improving uptake and extending its effect.

Nitro-X Pump is an explosive, stimulant-free pre-workout in a capsule form. Nitro-X is formulated with effective and scientifically-researched ingredients to enhance performance and elevate energy for your best workout.

BCAA 12:1:1 is a zero-sugar, zero-sodium, stimulant-free refreshing BCAA drink with a super-ratio of 12:1:1. Leucine, contributing to the factor of 12 in the ratio, aid in muscle

Perform at
your Best

In all sports, energy and recovery are essential to achieve optimal performance. USN’s comprehensive range of sports supplements is developed in conjunction with some of the world’s leading professional athletes to deliver the desired results.

USN’s Cramp Block is an electrolyte loaded supplement to provide your body with essential electrolytes which are lost during training and strenuous exercise. Cramp block is designed to optimize physical performance by optimizing normal bodily functions, enhancing recovery and reducing fatigue.

Epic Pro is a complete ultra-endurance drink for optimal performance and rapid recovery. It contains a formulation of effective ingredients, designed to optimise hydration levels, balance electrolytes and promote energy for your best performance. Epic Pro contains patented ingredients such as PeptoPro® and Vitargo® to put it into a league of it’s own.

Zero Sugar Hydrator

Zero Sugar Hydrator is the ideal rehydration drink for replenishment of electrolytes and glutamine after strenuous physical activity. It is designed to aid in recovery and muscle preservation and reduction of cramping.

Enduro combines high, intermediate and low Glycaemic Index (GI) carbohydrates, which have been shown to promote performance and improved exercise tolerances, as well as muscle recovery, during physical exercise.This unique combination of performance ingredients assists with the sustained and continuous supply of energy to optimally fuel you for your performance requirements, while still promoting stable blood sugar levels.

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Vooma Ultra Energy Gel

USN’s Vooma Ultra is a premium energy gel which contains a blend of fast- and slow-acting carbohydrates to enhance energy levels and endurance. Vooma Ultra includes electrolytes to aid hydration and nerve function during intense training and events. The chocolate variant contains caffeine for increased energy and mental focus.


USN has proved that snacks and refreshments can be functional, healthy and tasty, and has developed a range of scientifically formulated protein bars, weight control bars, energy bars, water and energy drinks.

USN’s new Tornado Shaker has been designed to mix easily without unwanted leaking. The measurements on the side makes it easy to mix your shake precisely it is 750ml capacity. It is dishwasher friendly too!

Hydrator Water Bottle

Handy 1-litre water reservoirs to conveniently help meet your daily hydration needs.

Hydrator Water Bottle

Handy water reservoirs in blue, pink and military style to help meet your daily hydration needs


This USN product has been carefully developed and certified to meet Halaal requirements by the Halaal authorities.

USN mauritian ambassadors

‘Squat and Deadlift’ the two words to define Noah’s training routine. Adept of powerlifting discipline, Noah has competed in various local competitions and have won some. As an ISSA certified trainer, he is engaged in promoting sport locally in aprofessional framework. His objective as an athlete is to compete in an International powerlifting competition to compete with the elite. Consequently, USN has always been supportive to Noah providing assistance and resources for him to advance as an athlete alongside helping the development of powerlifting discipline in Mauritius.

‘Explosive workout and Strength’ the best way to understand Jeremy’s training routine is to experience one of his classes. Jeremy is an iconic figure in the world of fitness in Mauritius. Having years of experience,he has forged his popularity locally and he is now the sport manager at Riverland sport club. As a licensed instructor has been awarded several titles within the wold of fitness such as LES MILLS Instructor he has been awarded in body Combat, body Pump, Cx Work and body vives. As an entrepreneur Jeremy is successfully managing a security gardening company which helps maintaining law and discipline in various private parties. Jeremy has headlined various newspapers testing and endorsing various USN product.

«Power and Pride»Dr.Baptiste cumulates two distinct professions, being a doctor specialised in preventive sports injury while still rocking gold in various national and regional shoot put competitions. Originated from Grand Montagne in Rodrigues island, he holds the national record in the same discipline. ‘Never let chance decide for you’ this credo motivates and inspires Bernard for years, despite many down falls he developed a massive body and overcame obstacles in his both professions.USN as one of its main sponsor, we have always been supportive providing an optimal stack for performance and strength.

‘Speed and Endurance’ famous within marathons and trails, Bhavish appreciates nature in this true form. As a true adventurer, Bhavish is a true globe trotterforging a true reputation with in trails and long distance races. Multiple winner of the Mauritian short trail league, Bhavish has now as objective to do participate within ULTRA Races. Bhavish also represented its country on an international level participating in the Championat de France as well as the La Mascareigne 64 KM. USN as it sole supplement supplier, we have always been supportive in the development of green races event sponsoring various local trails.

Shane Li Kam Shuen

‘Sport and fun’ Shane promotes dynamic sport techniques within an entertaining environment. Studied fitness in Australia, he came back and founded his own gym called SWEATBOX and years later he expanded his activities with a second gym SWEATBOX 45 within the boundaries of the capital. Former bodybuilding champion at a regional level in Sydney, he came back to with an entrepreneurial mind set and with an increasing motivation to develop the sports industry. With his accumulated years of experiences he developed a strong brand image, USN has constantly been a strategic partner in his developed boot camps. USN Mauritius is convinced that fitness is a mean of integration and supporting athlete such as Shane is always a pride.

Dalysha Doorga Desvaux

‘Fashion and Fitness’ the two words along define Dalysha, as a fashion model diet, exercises and supplementation are three essential ingredients for her perfect summer body. As a past Miss Mauritius, Dalysha is an iconic public figure having a major influence in Mauritian fashion trend. Moreover, Dalysha is a fulfilled business entrepreneur with her own image consultancy agency. Her aim as an USN ambassador is to encourage oneself develop their own personality trait through sport and a strict lifestyle while still enjoy pleasures of live. Dalysha is always craving for a Diet fuel shake as its compensate her highly dynamic lifestyle.

‘Power and Definition’ years of training and dedication for an optimized body. Multiple time regional champion, ranked at his best Mr. Mauritius 2015. Evans has recently qualify himself for the WBBA Mr. Univers and Cup of Titans and is aiming first in his category. Evans is an all round athlete and personal trainer, he never let his client down empowering them with the right nutrition and workout knowledge. Above all Evans promotes a balance lifestyle focussed on developing power and strength. USN is usually in diet plans designs by Evans, but as he say «Balance diet fist then supplement on top of it».


‘Agility and Streght’, Mauritian sole commonweathly sliver medalist in 2018, Roylia has always been predestinate to make his country proud. Training and years of preserverance has rise Roylia to the top of her discipline. Gold, Sliver and Bronze she always aim at least the first 3 places in which ever weightlifiting competion she participates in. She holds multiple National and regional records suh as the 102kg in Clean & Jerk the best of Africa currenlty. Roylia is convienced that hard work and determination is the key to success. Despite down turns and injuries she is convienced that the will respresent her country is the most prestigious competition being the olympic. She is convienced that USN is designed for her optimal performance and result.

Источник https://ekb.zoon.ru/fitness/victory_sport/

Источник https://www.victorygroup.mu/wholesale-sport-supplement
